

The websites “”, “” and “” are an offer of Goldenstein Rechtsanwälte Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH.


Mandatory information according to § 5 Telemedia Act

Hüttig & Kollegen Collections Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Kienberger Allee 4
12529 Berlin-Schönefeld
+49 30 2178 8292


Represented by

Managing Director Attorney Claus J. Goldenstein
Managing Director Attorney Isabella Hüttig


Register entry

Cottbus Local Court
Trade register number HRB 16860 CB


VAT identification number



Professional law


The following professional regulations essentially apply to lawyers:

BRAO – Federal Lawyers’ Act

BORA – Professional Code of Conduct for Lawyers

Specialist lawyer regulations

BRAGO – Federal scale of fees for lawyers

RVG – Lawyers’ Fees Act

The professional regulations can be accessed and viewed on the website of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers.


Competent supervisory authorities

The lawyers are admitted to practice as lawyers in the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of the following bar associations:

Berlin Bar Association
Littenstrasse 9
10179 Berlin

Bar Association of the State of Brandenburg
Grillendamm 2
14776 Brandenburg an der Havel


Professional liability insurance

To protect its clients, Hüttig & Kollegen Collections Rechtsanwälte GmbH maintains the professional liability insurance provided for in §§ 67 StBerG and 51 BRAO, which covers the risk arising from all activities in the professional spectrum of tax consultants and lawyers within the territorial scope of application. We maintain professional liability insurance for the lawyers of Goldenstein Rechtsanwälte with Axa Versicherung AG, Berlin branch, Dovestr. 2 – 4, 10587 Berlin.


Online dispute resolution

Link to the EU Commission’s platform for online dispute resolution (ODR platform):

We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.